At a recent Franklin School Committee meeting, Josh Hanna, the Principal of FHS, provided an update on the program of studies at the high school. The update is scheduled annually and gives the community a preview on significant course changes, adds, etc. before the students start registering for the next school year.
One key aspect that was announced can benefit the Franklin area nonprofits; the restoration of Community Services Hours as a graduation requirement at FHS. This becomes effective with the graduating class of 2028.
“Beginning with the class of 2028 Franklin High School students are required to complete 20 hours of community service as part of the requirement for graduation”
As you have community service hour opportunities, please let Josh know. Please also give advance notice. He plans to be the central contact for now. He also plans to add a section to the FHS newsletter which goes out every 2 weeks to spread the word. Josh’s email is ->
Sample of a recent school newsletter ->
If you want to listen to the meeting to hear the update the audio is available ->
(due to some technical difficulties that night, the broadcast video is not yet available)